Always, Sometimes, Never...

What do you have in your “sometimes, always and never” categories? If you asked us in regards to our walking habits over the past week, our answers would include: We always got out for our daily walks. Sometimes they were longer than others, and unfortunately no matter where we roamed, we never left our hometown. 

Simplify your exercise and training regiment this week with movements from the Always, Sometimes and Never categories below. 


Go for a daily walk and practice the bodyweight basics like… 

  • Foot Strength and Articulation

  • Hip Rotations

  • Scapular Mobility + Stability

  • Cat and Cow

  • Hinge and Fold


Specialize in a playful or powerful pursuit with your bodyweight, the barre or the bell. Do it with a friend or continue on your own. Add Strength and skill to progress in the movement skill of your choosing. 


  • Do a fitness task because you “have to”. What do you like about your fitness or exercise habits? How does it make you feel? If you struggle to identify any merits for your efforts, find something different that brings you joy and betterment.

  • Exercise as penance. Let your practice leave you with more than it takes in exchange. Compliment your lifestyle with movement and find pleasure in feeling good, moving well and staying strong

Do you have more questions about the simple ways to start or diversity your wellness and workout routines? 

Book an online consultation to check in and improve your mobility and strength practice. Use the member discount code : MEMBER2021 to receive 20% off our online services and purchases from the equipment room.

Ian ConlonBarres and Bells