B is for – Balance
As members returned to in studio sessions this week, there was a certain word that slipped into almost every conversation. Starting with a “B” and ending with an “E”, it isn’t not a five letter word that you could use Wordle, and many people slide right past training this skill — until it’s too late. Avoid falling behind and enhance your capacity to move by training and maintaining — balance.
Back in the studio, I asked John if he had been out on his cross country skis, “Yes, I have been out in the woods a couple of times, and balance/confidence is indeed a ’thing’.
The next day, I worked with another member training the flamingo stance to enhance hip mobility, core strength and — balance. “My balance sucks”, they stated when standing on one foot seemed like a simple yet ultimate task. We are always quick to minimize self deprecating attitudes towards the limitations a student may feel and I replied, “training balance is challenging. Find the rigidity of the floor under your feet and learn to connect to the ground with tension for stability.”
So, on our hands upside down, on one foot or two, balance and the challenges navigating the natural and built environment is indeed — a thing. Balance a skill that can be trained, or lost and transferred to your favourite ways to move at work or at play.
Follow along this week with your favourite classes live or in the archive and supplement your regiment by rooting your feet as you stand tall, and transfer your weight side to side, or stride by stride. Train simple bodyweight skills everyday to improve — and never lose the subtle skills of balance.
Take care,
Lauryn and Ian