Art + Exercise
Not all the artists are pictured here, but from left to right, I was able to meet Cindy, Rosalinde and Deborah through two modeling experiences last year. Studies and sculptures from those experineces are found within our “Art Above the Street” exhbiition. The artists are able to express creativty, and engourage the mind to stay working today as they prepare for their next show.
Have you ever wondered what an artisans studio really looks like? Here’s your chance to get a look behind the scenes. Take a self-guided tour and meet artists where they live and work.
Follow links here for the Elora Fergus Studio Tour running September 28- 29, 2024
Through exercise, reveal your creativity, resolve the bigger picture — and be inspired by celebrated or new works of art and the wonders of the human body. Challenge yourself to bring artistic depictions of the body to life with movement that is smooth, strong, and sustaining. Muscles weren’t designed to be marvelled at. Instead, they are yours to recruit and mobilize to support the skeleton, perform metabolic functions of the body, and to move you from where you are now, to where you want to go next.
Until next time, tune your own instruments, or find simple apparatus that helps you to challenge your imagination, build skills for the real world, and foster an approach to exercise that is beautiful and not barbaric like a burpee.
Take care,
Ian and Lauryn