The Nooks + Crannies
The English Muffin - simple, inexpensive and versatile pucks ready to split in half and with your fingers is a must! Pull apart the halves and toast to your perfection. Sometimes I dress mine with vegetables and proteins, other delightful toppings include sugars and fats. The English muffin serves me on the go during a busy day or with company at a weekend brunch with poached eggs Florentine.
What is it about the English muffin that is so worthy? McDonalds knows its the perfect size to put together your favourite breakfast sandwich and is part of our comfort food selections in any season. Ultimately, I love the English muffin for the nooks and crannies.
Great tastes and textures await in those nooks and crannies of the English muffin, but, if you don’t take the time to pull it apart you won’t be able to explore and fill those airy spaces with delightful tastes. In your own exercise practice, take the time to explore your own nooks and crannies to enhance mobility and express movement with strength.
The Medial Maleolous is one of our favourite nooks to grab on to during our “Jane Fondu’s”
What are the nooks and crannies of your body and in your joints? What are the simple movements and skills that you can do to work out the wobbles and kinks. Maintain safe and strong Ranges of motion and follow the video links to learn about the unique nooks and crannies of the human body.
Try the simple + seated hip mobility challenge. Sit Tall, no leaning back. Take one ankle from the ground and place it on the opposite knee. Simple, not easy.
Can you reach all those spaces? Next, build a groove for the head, neck and shoulders with this follow along video for upper body mobility and strength. Engage the “arm pit” to share tension with the whole upper body.
If you have ever taken a buttered English muffin on the go you will know to hold it parallel with the ground, or to at least have a paper towel underneath. The buttery goodness trapped in the cavernous carbohydrate will find the path of least resistance and drip off with greasy ease.
Make your movements smooth like butter and practice for efficiency in the gym. Build grooves for all your favourite movements starting with movements like the Hip Barre, scapular control exercises along with pulling and pressing activities. Use bodyweight and tension techniques to educate and refine your opportunities for strong and creative movement.
Go slow. Find the nooks and crannies of your body and strength to your exercise practice with The Barres + Bells Basics.