Baby Steps
Baby Steps
Running errands around town, or on the way to your session, don’t forget your hat, because, baby, its cold outside! It’s officially winter, and a few days into 2025, the visible changes of the season are here. The days are also getting brighter, albeit slowly, and there are other obvious signs of change in the studio, and even in utero.
We are pregnant, and very excited to share this news with you. After some short (and modified) exercise sets with some long winter naps, and cookies, lots of cookies… we are excited to add a little baby-bell to our collection early in the spring.
As we approach this new chapter in our life, here are some changes we have made as we plan out our next one hundred days.
Our own training, Lauryn is still an iron maiden, but since we found out about the little bell-er on the way, the heavier weights have been put aside, and for a while now everything has been placed right side up — no handstands. Ian’s mom taught exercise classes throughout her own pregnancies and Lauryn too knows that it feels good to use the body and get outside for a daily walk.
Online, Join us twice a week on Tuesdays, and Thursdays for the best strength and stretch routines with the kettlebell and the barre. Start light, find the challenges that feel just right, and stream your strength with Barres and Bells thirty minutes at at time live or in the archive.
More Group classes, Stay tuned for new small group class opportunities. Are you interested in a “Back to the basics” class focusing on simple movements for core stability and strength? Or, perhaps you are interested in joining the “Pressing Club” on week day mornings? In upcoming newsletters, take notice of weekend workshops and new small group classes throughout the week so that we may all stay #strongertogether.
So, to check off your vision board, bingo card, or instead of Tik-Tok’s 75Hard, this season invest in little packages, that pack big punches to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2025. Classes start tonight, and while some are full, space in others remain for you to connect with other students who share the same beliefs and commitment to start strong, and finish stronger.
Hasta la vista, baby
Ian and Lauryn
In you own exercise practice, make the light things hard, so that the hard and heavy things may seem light. Invert a kettlebell for bottoms-up series of strength skills to add resilience, challenge and to get the most out of your own kettlebell and subsequently your kettlebell practice.