Phil-ing Up on Coffee Dreams


In Bern, Switzerland we took the plunge in a fast-flowing glacier fed river. Before our frozen float in the Aare, we went looking for coffee en plain air.


To start the day, we set out to say hello to Phil and to grab a morning coffee-to-go.


Online and on the street, Phil’s A-frame sign was chalked with phrases or drawings that inspired our imagination and then required a Google translation. Phil boasted of having the finest coffee and was first to offer window service in Bern back in 2018.


However, it was a good thing we used Google Translate the day before, because today Phil was enjoying his summer holiday. We stopped by the closed shop anyway; he had left us a shortlist of suggestions of where to get a cuppa. He included his closest neighbour less than one kilometre down the street, and Emma and Paul, in the city centre. Phil knows his stuff and was willing to share.


Our conversation with Phil continued as we wrote,


“Hello! We hope you are enjoying your days off. We walked by your spot today and loved your art work, shared space, and shared views from the other cafes around town. We took you up on your suggestion and checked out Emma and Paul. Great coffee and a unique space combining their passions for motorbikes and coffee. Thanks again, and best wishes for the future.”


Phil’s last note replied,


“Hello, cool that you also walked by my shop👍. I hope you enjoyed your stay. At Emma & Paul, did he ask you who gave to you the recommendation?”


We answered, “We told him YOU recommended. He liked that!”

Phil and Emma and Paul helped us to stay caffeinated in Bern, and left us ambitious to at least dream and plan to serve coffee at ‘20’

Ian Conlon