It’s a cold Saturday morning and we are back at home ready to enjoy another winter ritual; ‘stocking’ up the freezer. After a quick prep and after spending the day on the stove, the evening on the porch out front to cool; we will portion and freeze our liquid gold to enjoy over the coming weeks.
My concoction isn’t on the heat long enough to be called a bone broth, as purists mandate 12 hours on heat. Using fresh or frozen chicken parts, we stock pile fresh vegetables, and our favourite aromatics like lemon grass, hot chilies and garlic into our biggest pot. We bring it to a boil and keep it at a low roll as I strum, and Lauryn snoozes this almost-February-afternoon.
Once upon a time on YouTube, I remember watching Jamie Oliver assemble a soup stock as part of an introductory cooking series. Every time I think about fighting with that last pesky layer of onion skin, I think of what J.O. said many years ago in the video “put the skins in, don’t waste your time, we will strain it all out later.” In the kitchen and in the studio, there is always so much to think about. Start with the basics.
This week, provide your body with movement nutrition breaks as part of your daily routine, and enjoy a warm bowl of soup; both are good for the soul.
Stay Strong, and put your own soup stock on!
Lauryn + Ian