The Barre: Act 1

After four years of practicing ballet, we are barre-ly getting started. We continue to shoot energy out our eyes in our balances as we reach our legs towards the “Skye”. Do you practice or workout with the barre? Stay strong and follow along with simple exercises for strength, balance, and grace in your lift + your life.

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Ian Conlon
The Nooks + Crannies

What are the nooks and crannies of your body? What are the simple movements and skills that you can do to work out the wobbles and kinks. Maintain safe and strong Ranges of motion and follow the video links to learn about the unique nooks and crannies of the human body.

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Ian Conlon

Turning off the systems integral to our business was, as our favourite words describing exercises in the studio are, simple not easy—like turning off the light and remembering where the switch was in the dark. The other night I turned on a bank of lights in the studio and commented on the novel task. Not to be critical, but the LED pot lights in our ballet studio even when dimmed

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Ian Conlon
"Like Mike"

As a kid I wanted to “be like Mike” and shoot swishes while flashing Nike swooshes.

For back-to-school shopping, it was mostly back-to-boring at Business Depot for stationary basics. However, I remember my siblings and I ALWAYS got a new pair of shoes for gym class, but they were NEVER Nikes. Never, that is, until grade six—my dad “just did it”

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Ian Conlon
Digging In.

It was the first weekend in May and after a morning online in the studio, it was time to get our boots on the ground. The weeding, turning and edging tasks were assigned and we set out to work the gardens for the first time this season. Lauryn knows I can get carried away and reminded me, “Edging, yes. Expanding, you better not”. With the bulk of the work done, Lauryn tidied up the walk way and I exchanged my tool in the shed for the lawn mower.

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A Basic Blog

Reading, Writing and Moving. Basic skills for the body and mind.

I only read books when on holiday and I only write when I am under stress. Late-night writing sessions yielded satisfactory grades in university, and on my last holiday I read Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. It has been a while now since both occasions and it's time to re-up my commitment to these elementary basics.

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