Investing in Movement

Watching tv the other night, we saw an advertisement for Scotia Bank advertising their services as “Sleep Experts”. After a few more times in the cycle, I started to think about the relationship between physical, mental health and individuals financial wealth.

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Ian Conlon
To H.I.I.T. Or, to Help?

Refine the relationship between your flexibility and strength with movement and make the time to train your body to increase your knowledge of how it works and tell it what you want it to do next. 

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Ian Conlon
In Your Own words

Does what your peers said resonate with what your body wants and needs? Using your words, read our blog — Or, join us this week — online or in studio, to feel the benefits that everyone is talking about.

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Ian Conlon
Why Ballet?

After one Saturday morning class with Lauren, with her head spinning and body buzzing — Lauryn asked me write about ‘the ballet brain” and how exploring various patterns, shapes and close encounters with the cramp monster help to benefit the body. 

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Ian Conlon
The Physical + The Apocryphal

It all started with a quotation from George Elliott. Who? I asked. Mary Ann Evans they replied. Perhaps it was penned by someone else? Was this a classic case of the same, but different — or rather that of mix and match? 

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Ian Conlon
Bike + Body Workshop

The first section of the workshop explored the science of the perfect bike fit for comfort and performance. Thermal images illustrating weight distributions were shown on the screen, and devices to measure both bike and body parts neatly hung on the wall.

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Ian Conlon
the B.E.S.T. Training Principles

Watching a YouTube video depicting one of our other favourite entities — real-estate and architecture, tv host George Clarke congratulated the home owners on executing their vision within their newly renovated space. Throughout the process, George challenged them to adopt brave, elegant and simple virtues to create a functional and fulfilling space.

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Ian Conlon
Like a Fish out of Water

Last week, I went lane swimming with my sister. Her, born with the merits of our fathers aquatic supremacy, and I with the the buoyancy of a kettlebell — it was our first swims in a while.

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Ian Conlon
The Fall: Eating + Training with the Seasons

Like many other Canadians this summer, we have given up on believing the forecast as described by the weatherman. Instead, we only have to look our the window to see that — yes, fall is coming. This season, may you find opportunities for wellness and a renewed commitment to your health and strength.

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Ian Conlon
Our Summer: Bike Rides, Backyards + Coffee Beans

Enjoying the walk, I attended to fleeting thoughts. By the time I got home I knew the thing that I could be doing next — writing this week’s blog. Until recent months, our letter was sent out every week, and now that we are settling into a bi-weekly campaign, I feel that I am out of practice.

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Ian Conlon
Move Like the Dude

Sometimes, we even tend to the littlest details. Last month that included moving the dude in the window every day. I often wonder who looks up into our windows to notice? Or, if passerby’s are making the same commitment to move their bodies every day.

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Ian Conlon
End to End – G2G trail ride

Initially, we planned to complete the journey on the summer solstice in June of 2021. Measuring one hundred and thirty-one kilometres from Guelph to Goderich, this year’s cross county cycling adventure had to wait out the rain, and then — we had to make the time.

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Ian Conlon
NYC: Our Second Act

The first time we travelled to New York City, it was for the FRC — Functional Range Conditioning certification. There, we met the cramp monster — commonly known as a charley horse, and familiarized ourselves with the feels of the big city. We stayed in Brooklyn, walked the bridge, took in a baseball game, and Lauryn even caught a ball to take home.

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Ian Conlon
Why we LIFT

Performing sets for strength, and saving time for fun, we train movement and strength to compliment our healthy active lifestyle. Even though the branding and banners have changed, LIFT is still integral to our belief’s and business operations. In it’s simplest form, most time to LIFT means — Lauryn. Ian. Fitness. Training. However this time it stood for Lauryn and Ian have a Flat Tire…

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Ian Conlon

When we arrived at home, the oven started to preheat, and we lined tortilla strips on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (cheese doesn’t stick to parchment the way it may to foil or a bare sheet). The night before, I made a fresh tomato salsa and after a few minutes the cheese had melted upon warmed nachos and it was time to then garnish the stripped- chips with last night’s Latin inspired leftovers.

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Ian Conlon
Getting back in the saddle

In preparation for our two wheeled adventures this summer, last month our bikes went in for an expedited Speed River service. Our chains were replaced, broken spokes were repaired, and new grips were installed for comfort and control on the ride. Now that our seasonal bike-maintenance basics have been addressed, it is time to get our bodies reacquainted with our refurbished, pedal powered machines.

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Ian Conlon
What is fitness?

One particular handbook that I revisited, and repositioned amongst my possessions, was an edition of Reader’s Digest “How to Keep Fit — for Life” published in 1977. The sepia toned cover discloses its age, and nearly fifty years later, the contents of its pages are consistent with the tone and ambitions we aim to share through our Barres and Bells practice.

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Ian Conlon
Barre (Chords) + Bells

I scrolled through Kijiji and Lauryn looked over my shoulder to see what I was on the hunt for this time. “Another guitar — to keep at the studio” I said. After weeks of searching L was now caught up to speed, and a few nights later I found the sleek rosewood coloured six-string that I wanted to purchase.

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Ian Conlon
Giving it 100%

Last week, our ballet class went by so fast even though it was an hour and forty-five minutes long. On Monday, Lauryn and I hosted an instructor in the studio who’s passion and expertise will continue our education in movement while simultaneously managing and balancing our egos. Irina shared warm ups, refinements, themes and cues first shared to us by our favourite and former teachers.

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Ian Conlon
Fore! Lessons from the Green

Honestly, it has been over 5 years since we last hit balls at the driving range, or on the links. However, sharing our weekly links of a different type with you, we continue to draw inspiration from sports and movement of all kinds. We want to build connection to the favourite activities of our members…

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Ian Conlon