Training Hard. Or, Hardly at all

With one hand or two, Hardstyle kettlebell swings are one of our favourite conditioning exercises. Before the swing, we start with our breath and mirror the movement with bodyweight drills. Towards the middle of our practice, the progressions of our sets and reps combine and increase the stress on the systems of our bodies. The physical output and emotion is intense and after a short series of intervals, we are finished.

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Ian Conlon
B is for – Balance

As members returned to in studio sessions this week, there was a certain word that slipped into almost every conversation. Starting with a “B” and ending with an “E”, it isn’t not a five letter word that you could use Wordle, and many people slide right past training this skill — until it’s too late. Avoid falling behind and enhance your capacity to move by training and maintaining — balance.

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Ian Conlon
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Everyday, we need fresh air to breathe, and clean water to drink. It is important to take care of the environment for the health of ourselves and the longevity our favourite communities. Despite alliterative slogans and our best collective efforts — every now and then, air quality advisories arise, and forest fires ignite.

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Ian Conlon
Soup again???

One of the most beneficial attributes of our local lifestyle is the ability to walk home for lunch. Enjoying a warm meal on a winter day with reimagined leftover ingredients, helps to restore, recover and prepare our bodies for the challenges of the season ahead. Below is an excerpt from a text conversation we shared the other day.

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Ian Conlon
Training is Trying

Straining your powers of strength, mobility and endurance — training the mind and body are trying pursuits. However, trying as it may be, what are the differences between the attempts to try, versus the pursuits of training?

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Ian Conlon
Bad Words

Squats and groans will strengthen bones and the words we use may help — or hurt us. Words and the choice to use them has the capacity to guide our perceptions of self and how we effectively share and communicate with others. This belief was shared to us first by our parents, and has become further entrenched in our exercise and learning experiences with teachers from around the world.

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Ian Conlon
Life in the Pits

When traveling around the world, or just around the block, Lauryn and I are mesmerized by big equipment and ambitious infrastructure projects like the TRICAR condo development on Wyndham street in our hometown of Guelph. Little jobs, big drills, tall cranes and the mammoth effort of a coordinated team continue to make steady progress on the job site.

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Ian Conlon
An Expert within your Body

Our time spent in front of the camera reel has added invaluable sets and repetitions to the development of our body awareness in exercise and how we move in real life. When we practise in the studio or hang-out in the back yard, we look for the ways to challenge the body and connect with the mind with new experiences or refining the standards.

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Ian Conlon
The Laws + Your Lifts

Prior to our name and business Barres and Bells, we trained under the banner LIFT Guelph. With lawyers offices below, I used to joke that “only LIFT was above the law”. Putting aside my bias for pull ups, pliés and puns — we continue to experience the interactions of the scientific and philosophic laws at our practice online, outside and in the studio.This week get physical and move with Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion. Learn how to apply them

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Ian Conlon
International Training Tips

In international news — Andrew, my brother bought a kettlebell! He swings, presses and conditions his body for both the bike, and the beach. Here in Guelph, and across the world, strength training for our favourite lifestyle activities continues to inspire and connect us with our family and friends.

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"Running isn't Exercise"

Lauryn likes to keep her runs to herself. I on the other hand, seem to frequently think and share about a skill that do not practice around the block or on the mill. In all seasons, Lauryn prioritizes both her exercise sessions and her runs, but is steadfast that they are different. “I don’t run to exercise. I run because I like the way it makes me feel.” Now that the sidewalks are clear of snow, winter maintenance season is over, and the season for speed starts soon.

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Ian Conlon
A Car Free Life

In the final months leading up to the end of the lease we committed to not renewing or replacing our vehicle. After 5 years in business and working local, we started to plan and live locally without a car. We are a year and a half into our pedestrian experiment and consequently have walked hundreds of kilometres.

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Ian Conlon
The Origin and Future of LIFT

Life has changed, and like many local and global businesses we have experienced severe adjustments to our immediate operations and are navigating through the unknown future of our industry. Gym and exercise halls were part of many cultures for thousands of years and they too, have evolved.

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Ian ConlonBarres and Bells
Always, Sometimes, Never...

What do you have in your “sometimes, always and never” categories? If you asked us in regards to our walking habits over the past week, our answers would include: We always got out for our daily walks. Sometimes they were longer than others, and unfortunately no matter where we roamed, we never left our hometown.

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Ian ConlonBarres and Bells
Play Pretend

We owe some of our creative twists and turns in class to the time we spent in the studio with our little lifters. Friends, parents, and proud LIFT ambassadors rallied the most imaginative, caring, active, and unicorn-loving-cousins for a morning in the studio that started at the drawing board.

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Ian ConlonBarres and Bells

It’s a cold Saturday morning and we are back at home ready to enjoy another winter ritual; ‘stocking’ up the freezer. After a quick prep and after spending the day on the stove, the evening on the porch out front to cool; we will portion and freeze our liquid gold to enjoy over the coming weeks.

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Ian Conlon

While visiting from Canada and staying in New Zealand for my sister's wedding, I participated in my first “Scandinavian Saturday Night”. Uncle Pete was visiting from far away as well, and he had a guitar with him. The rest of us travelled only with our toe taps for instruments, but made memories of a great night abroad with family and friends.

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Ian ConlonBarres and Bells
Fitness Feels

Early in the pandemic we prepared for changes in the studio as we made a transition to building a business online. My CEO (Lauryn) requested SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As a result, I started to write about everything health and fitness.

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Ian Conlon
Phil-ing Up on Coffee Dreams

In Bern, Switzerland we took the plunge in a fast-flowing glacier fed river. Before our frozen float in the Aare, we went looking for coffee en plain air.

To start the day, we set out to say hello to Phil and to grab a morning coffee-to-go.

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Ian Conlon
The Barre: Act 2

Bent knees, clapping hands and click clogging along to Shania Twain earned a silver medal at the Dundalk Country Jamboree. As a kid, I wrestled with having a crush on my dance partner, unsure of how to articulate it in words. I could have practiced harder to show her how much I really cared.

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Ian Conlon